06 Research information systems
- Contact:
Dr. Frank Bode (FOR), Regine Tobias (BIB)
- Enddate:
completed with the publication of a whitepaper
The white paper of the think tank "Research Information Management" proposes that the universities in Baden-Württemberg form an association on the topic of research information systems ("BW.CRIS"). The aim of the alliance is to pool expertise in this area, develop joint solutions for common challenges and learn from the experiences of other universities through mutual exchange.
The alliance also gives the universities a strong voice, enabling them to successfully represent the interests of the state vis-à-vis software providers, the KFiD and other players at federal level. A key success factor for the start-up and sustainable work of such an alliance would be its targeted support at state level. Such a Baden-Württemberg state initiative on the topic of research information systems would significantly advance the universities in Baden-Württemberg in the digitization of their research reporting and thus significantly increase the strategic control capability of university management.