Digitalization in Administration
According to the KIT 2025 Strategy, the administrative processes at KIT should support the core tasks of research, teaching and innovation efficiently, promptly and cooperatively and be transparent, standardized and streamlined, among other things.
Digitalization is intended to optimize processes, expand self-service portals and extend the use of digital documents.
The following guiding principles derived from the KIT 2025 Strategy form the basis for the specific objectives and measures of the IT strategy for administrative tasks:
- User and customer orientation: Know, record and implement the requirements of users and customers
- Transparency: clarity about IT systems, data and data maintenance, including responsibilities; transparent design of processes with digital support
- Standardization and systematization: systematically structure processes, IT systems and data based on standards and integrate them into the overall landscape
- Agility: make IT systems agile; proceed iteratively and incrementally in order to react more quickly to user requirements
- Saving resources: Considering IT systems and processes in their entirety; optimizing the use of resources throughout KIT through digitalization
For targeted digital support of administrative processes and tasks, the Digital Office provides advice and support in setting up and preparing digitalization projects. Corresponding projects are reviewed and quality-assured by the Steering Committee for Digitalization in Administration.
In the think tanks, KIT experts develop comprehensive solution concepts for the digitalization of administrative processes at Baden-Württemberg’s universities. These solution concepts are available in the form of white papers as a working basis for further implementation projects.