Our Tasks

The Digital Office, including Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), is the central unit that supports KIT in its digitalization efforts and advises and supports the management level in its responsibilities in this regard.

The Digital Office acts as an overarching mediator in terms of the management level’s responsibility. It is assigned to the Executive Board Department “Digitalization and Sustainability” and supports the Vice President Prof. Dr. Kora Kristof in her responsibility for the digitalization area of action in the KIT 2025 Strategy.

The Digital Office thus generally examines the possibilities and benefits of digitalization for KIT and drives them forward. The technical requirements and users’ needs are recorded and taken into account for the further development of KIT’s digital infrastructure.

Our Offerings

The Digital Office:

  • advises and supports the Executive Board and the heads of divisions in shaping digitalization and information security issues.
  • Together with the CIO, is responsible for the development and implementation of the digitalization strategy as part of the KIT 2025 Strategy.
  • is responsible for creating structures (e.g. committees) for setting and coordinating digitalization topics and projects.
  • provides and maintains an overview of digitalization at KIT and is the universal point of contact - in the sense of a pilot function - for digitalization topics at KIT.
  • takes up user requirements, current developments and interests and brings them to the right place at KIT in a targeted manner.
  • advises and supports in setting up and preparing digitization projects.

Talk to us: We can advise, support and network.

contact persons
Luftbild eines Containerhafens public domain

Which topics are affected by digitalization at KIT?

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 Gerd Altmann / Pixabay
Information Security

Information security should adequately protect an organization’s information. How does KIT safeguard the fundamental values of confidentiality, integrity and availability?

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Blick durch Spiegel auf eine Bergkette public domain

Digitalization is part of the KIT 2025 Strategy as a strategic area of action. What goals and measures is KIT pursuing?

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Tisch mit Arbeitsmaterialien

How does KIT guarantee all stakeholder groups are involved in the processing of upcoming and future digitalization topics?

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Graphic illustration of three people holding stylized speech bubbles against a green-blue background with network graphics
Development project for the use of generative AI

20.3.2025 The project “Innovation space for generative AI at KIT” is developing a framework for the use of generative AI at KIT, which is intended to advance both the infrastructure and practice-oriented applications. DO, SCC and ZML are involved in the project.

Further information
Leerer Hörsaal mit Holzwänden, leeren Tischen und einer Tafel vorne.
"Teaching and learning spaces" project presents media technology concept

10.03.2025 The digitalization project UP D1 "Teaching and Learning Locations for Teaching Staff and Learners" developed a media technology concept for centrally managed lecture and seminar rooms. The project has now been successfully completed. The defined media technology standards will be implemented as part of the renovation. In addition, the equipment of large seminar rooms with cameras is being examined to enable recordings. Renovation work can be carried out during the lecture period, whereby close coordination with the teaching staff is ensured. The project core team will regularly monitor the implementation by the responsible organizational units.

About the digitalization project
illustration of two people showing someting to each other
Second workshop on RSE @ KIT

13.02.2025 The project team of LP 9.1.4 Research Software would like to invite you to the second Workshop on RSE @ KIT on July, 7, 2025, to present what was achieved and build up in the two years project runtime, and to foster community building among Research Software Engineers and those interested in RSE.

portrait Birgit SchulzeKIT
Birgit Schulze new in the Digital Office

Birgit Schulze joint our team as a business relationship manager for digital infrastructure on December 1, 2024. She is responsible for digitalization topics in administration and decentral IT.

Welcome to our team!

Refer to contact

You can find further news about digitalization at KIT in our news list.