The Digitalization Governance Framework

Digital information processing and supply encompass the entire “digital workspace:” the information technology infrastructure and the basic services, application services and service portals implemented on it. The IT Governance defines the regulatory and operational framework for these elements, as it:
- regulates roles, functions and tasks for forming and deciding on digitalization strategies,
- describes the supervisory and control structure for the implementation of the digitalization strategy,
- explains the integration of central and decentralized units at KIT,
- details the cooperation in the areas of information security and data protection.
Thus, the Digitalization Governance forms the basis for the legitimacy of far-reaching strategic decisions in the area of digitalization at KIT.
- align digitalization-related decisions with the overall strategy of KIT.
- manage digitalization processes at KIT, making them traceable, targeted, sustainable and user-oriented, especially regarding security, reliability, data protection, and usability.
- create space for agile, innovative developments and enhance the interaction between central and decentralized units at KIT.
Chief Information Officer CIO
Chief Information Officer (CIO) is Prof. Dr. Kora Kristof, Vice-President Digitalization and Sustainability. She is responsible for the technical, organizational and legal integration and coordination of all activities in the departments of digital information and communication as well as for the use of information technologies at KIT. In this role she:
- is responsible for the KIT's IT strategy and concept as well as for the area of action digitalization as part of the KIT 2025 strategy;
- represents the IT strategy and the IT concept internally and externally;
- represents KIT in IT matters at strategic-scientific/political meetings and participates in the formation of political opinion within the science system of strategic relevance;
- accompanies major projects in the internal IT landscape and
- supervises the Committee for IT Infrastructure (A-IVI) and—in cooperation with the other Vice Presidents—the IT Steering Committees.
Committee for Digitalization (A-IVI)
Steering Committee for Digitalization in Research and Innovation
Steering Committee for Digitalization in Research and Innovation
The Steering Committee for Digitalization in Research and Innovation is an advisory body to the responsible Vice Presidents. Its members draw up recommendations on the strategic orientation of IT and the development of information processing and supply in research and innovation.
User representatives from the areas that bundle the IT application perspectives work together in the Steering Committee. The service units that act as central IT service providers in the field of research and innovation are also represented.
further information about the Steering Committee for Digitalization in Research and Innovation
Steering Committee for Digitalization in Higher Education
Steering Committee for Digitalization in Higher Education
The Steering Committee for Digitalization in Higher Education is an advisory body to the responsible Vice-President Higher Education and Academic Affairs. The steering committee provides recommendations on the strategic digitalization orientation and development within higher education and teaching at KIT. The committee discusses, sorts and prioritizes the strategic digitalization application needs within its area of responsibilities.
further informationen about the Steering Committee for Digitalization in Higher Education
Steering Committee for Digitalization in Administration
Steering Committee for Digitalization in Administration
The Steering Committee for Digitalization in Administration is an advisory body to the responsible Vice President. Its members draw up recommendations on the strategic orientation of IT and the development of information processing and supply in the administration.
further informationen about the Steering Committee for Digitalization in Administration
Digital Office
Our Tasks
The Digital Office, including Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), is the central unit that supports KIT in its digitalization efforts and advises and supports the management level in its responsibilities in this regard.
The Digital Office acts as an overarching mediator in terms of the management level’s responsibility. It is assigned to the Executive Board Department “Digitalization and Sustainability” and supports the Vice President Prof. Dr. Kora Kristof in her responsibility for the digitalization area of action in the KIT 2025 Strategy.
The Digital Office thus generally examines the possibilities and benefits of digitalization for KIT and drives them forward. The technical requirements and users’ needs are recorded and taken into account for the further development of KIT’s digital infrastructure.